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"A year beyond this world"

SEMA in partnership with Stromme Foundation is currently implementing an International Exchange Program (Act Now). Act now is an international youth exchange program under Strømme Foundation and funded by Norwegian government under foreign affairs department called Fredskorpset (FK). The program aims in improving leadership skills and roles to selected youth. Youth from southern partners travels to Norway and stays for 10 months while Norwegian youth travels to south partners and stays for 6 months. During 6 months both participants will work as volunteers for Strømme projects and other activities arranged for them. The program has a focus on development cooperation, where education and microfinance are important working strategies. Act Now wishes to create greater understanding and knowledge about poverty, its causes and how to fight against it.

Now, Act Now has internship localities in the following countries: Nepal, Tanzania, Uganda, and Norway.


Participants are in Exchange as Act Now student, representing Strømme Foundation, their  home organization and countries. Our vision during their stay in exchange is that;



  • Learn ( will learn from their  time in exchange)

  • Contribute (will make a difference being in the program, with their talents and knowledge)

  • Bring back information and knowledge to their home country/organization.

In their work, the participant has  to give and receive, as well as store knowledge to use later in life


With a status as student Act Now participants both from Norway and Southern partners must attend studies in a school at Hald international center in Norway, together with other international students from two different programs. For Act Now program at school, most of the courses are basing on development studies and self-study; writing and handing in reports and writing papers for all Hald students. Modality of the program;

  1. Preparatory courses; this is 6 weeks activities starting in August. During this course, participants will join other youth in the FK camp to learn more about FK works and intercultural communication.

  2. Internship period: 6 months ‘internship related to the Strømme Foundation’s works and partners in Norway. During the internship period students get knowledge about, and the opportunity to participate in the aid, mission and student work which the local partners are running. Activities and tasks for the internship period are defined in consultation with the local collaborator and are defined in the partnership agreement.

  3. Debriefings and follow up courses at Hald, this includes all participants they will stay for 8 weeks

  4. Practical follow-up work/information work (6months): It’s mandatory that all students at Hald International Center are supposed to do voluntary work. This is an important part of Fredskorpset exchange, and it mainly takes place after returning home to your own country and organization. The voluntary work is a way to make a change, and pass on what you have received of new knowledge and inspiration. Both your sending organization and your society, in general, can be target groups for the voluntary work.

Goals of Voluntary work for Act Now:

The FK youth exchange develops young leaders who take responsibility and create positive change in their lives and communities. Doing volunteer work, we want the participants to:

  • Support and volunteer for your sending organization and in action contribute to fulfilling the masterplan of Strømme Foundation, both locally and globally.

  • Use your cross-cultural experience to create awareness among society and people in order to create a broader global understanding

Read more about:

Hald International Center


Strømme Foundation

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