Technical vocational educational training (TVET)
TVET works to ensure quality education for disadvantaged and vulnerable groups by improving the employability of poor out of school young youth and women into productive and decent work, and increase the productivity of enterprises through better quality and relevant training
NOREC- Exchange
SEMA in partnership with Stromme Foundation is currently implementing an International Exchange Program (Norec exchange). Norec exchange is an international youth exchange program under Strømme Foundation and funded by Norwegian government under foreign affairs department called Fredskorpset (FK).
Community managed saving groups (CMSG)
Livelihood among the rural and urban poor in Singida continues to be a need that calls for attention. Poor communities struggle to get jobs from which they can earn a decent income to afford a meal, support their families, improve household status and take their children to school.
Act Now- Exchange
SEMA in partnership with Stromme Foundation is currently implementing an International Exchange Program (Act Now). Act now is an international youth exchange program under Strømme Foundation and funded by Norwegian government under foreign affairs department called Fredskorpset (FK).